Making a positive difference in the classroom
Teachers are heroes! And, teaching is a heroic act. Is one of the reasons you became a Teacher - because you wanted to make a positive lasting difference in kids' lives?
As Teachers, we try our best. And sometimes we’re better at teaching some subject areas than others. And that’s okay. In the last 25 years of education, never have we met a Teacher who has the same knowledge, understanding and passion for all subject areas. The thing is, we can’t possibly be experts in all subjects ...
In this article, we'll share FIVE ways to teach children about Food and Nutrition. We’re truly passionate about supporting Teachers, Educators and the wider community with health education and making a positive difference in kids’ lives, and as ambassadors for children’s charity, Happy Healthy Kidz Australia, our Eat Smart B Active® tips and programming have now been broadcast daily on radio for over six years!
Here's FIVE ways to teach children about Food and Nutrition ...
- Whenever teaching nutrition, make sure the content is age-appropriate and evidence-based.
- Offer nutrition education in a systematic way, as opposed to one-time, random or occasional lessons of a health unit. This will help your students internalize the information and make it meaningful.
- Use food breaks, such as school breakfast, fruit and veg break, or lunch, as real and meaningful moments to teach students about healthy options.
- Access nutrition information from credible sources and evidence-based programs that have been peer-reviewed and published in academic journals.
- Integrate nutrition education into math and literacy. For example, select engaging books with a nutrition focus or graph children's favourite fruits and vegetables.
We know it’s a lot of work being a good Teacher, and we love supporting Teachers and Educators with helpful tips, and the latest evidence-based health education programs to make Teachers’ jobs easier and better engage children for optimal learning outcomes.
You can find out more about the internationally recognised and evidence-based Eat Smart B Active® program which makes teaching this part of the health curriculum a breeze. Super fun and super simple to deliver, Eat Smart B Active® is a multi-modal online program complete with videos, interactive gamified quizzes, songs, and lesson plans right through to assessment using the latest in health curriculum innovation, and is especially for Primary School Teachers and Early Learning Centre Educators. Find out more here.
Wishing you every success.
David and Selina - BA (Psych) DipEd
Co-Founders | Educators